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1 | 9

Pedestal 1

The inscription on this pedestal was created by the artist and refers explicitly
to the past failures to recognize and honor - on an equal basis with their male colleagues - the academic achievements of women at the University of Vienna.

Pedestal 2

Just as the artist invited the participation of university women in the creation of the shadow, so too has the inscription for the second pillar resulted from a discussion process. The Department of Gender Equality and the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna invited those interested to participate through the Internet and/or in a workshop in January 2010, to suggest the inscription for the pillar. The artist has selected from among all of the text submissions and on the basis of the discussion the following text:
"Out of the shadow step the women who have no names."
Or: "Out of the shadow step those women who have been hitherto anonymous."


Thank you to all of the participants in the creation of the pillar inscription:

Günter Ambros
Alexandra Bogner Mag.a Ines Maria Breinbauer
Hanna Dobner
Tanja Erhart
Linda Erker
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johann Greilhuber
Mag.a Natascha Gruber
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hannes Haas Mag.a Hanna Hacker Mag.a Susanne Hochreiter
Ingrid Hofbauer
Gabriele Huemer
Dagmar Jenner
Mag. Gernot Kampl
Mag.a Bettina Koschuh Brigitte Kossek
Mag.a Verena Krausneker
Mag.a Eva Laquieze-Waniek
Martina Mösslinger
Werner Niedermaier
Mag.a Lisa Sigl
Matthias Stark Dorothea Sturn
Maire-Therese Thill
Angela Tiefentahaler
Cornelia Travnicek
Mag.a Bettina Wegleiter
Erika Wegscheidler
Karin Wegscheidler
Franz Winkler
Andrea Wolf